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How to wear long faux fur vest

winter faus fur vest

Faux fur vests are extremely versatile, and you can wear them in rain or shine, winter or summer. 

But you will need the right faux fur vest for each season. 

During the winter, for instance, you will need to look into getting a long faux fur vest. 

Your new fluffy companion will keep you warm while showcasing your great sense of fashion. 

Wear a fur vest the way you imagine while incorporating some of the helpful tips we will list here.

While you might be thinking that a faux fur coat is only fashionable without being practical, they do help to keep you warm when you are styling your outfit correctly. 

Remember that it’s all about looking chic and elegant.

For an elegant look that will make heads turn, read further for our expert tips on getting the most out of your favorite long faux fur item (that looks just like real fur, bar the cruelty).

Why Wear a Long Faux Fur Vest?

Once you get into styling your faux fur vest with different outfits you will be looking at different types of fur vests that might suit certain occasions better. 

With that being said, faux fur vests will not only make you stand out among your besties but give you the confidence and style you deserve on a night out.

Whether you want a rock n roll look or an old-school elegance that will evoke traditional fashion styles throughout history, your long faux fur vest can be worn for any reason and season. 

Wear a fur vest long for its versatile styling possibilities that will make you feel like celebrating each day.

Styling long faux fur

If it’s sunny outside and you just want to look glamorous without suffocating yourself you can still wear your long faux fur vest – As long as you are not wearing garments that are too warm underneath the vest you will look great without being uncomfortable.

Depending on the weather and the occasion you might want to consider the following tips to style your outfit with your long faux fur vest;

Raise the bar

If you already own a faux fur vest or are looking into buying, it’s already established that you have a great sense of fashion. 

You likely already have a good idea of how long faux fur vests are styled. It’s important to keep your fashion sense intact and not just follow the latest faux fur trend

Raise the bar and set new trends in the fashion world with your imagination and own unique style.

We all love spending time trying on new outfits and stylings so why not make a day of it and find the perfect look that will showcase the style you are known for while incorporating the classic look?

The simpler the better

No need to empty your whole closet in a stressed-out frenzy, almost anything can go with your long synthetic furry vest. 

You just need to pair everything up as you already know how to.

Keep it simple by simply using day-to-day clothing pieces. 

Incorporate t-shirts, skinny jeans, boots, leather pants… and well-sized jewelry pieces, and you will experience just how easy it is to wear your long fur vest and look more stylish than ever before.

It’s no secret that faux fur jackets are one of a few garments that bring back the most simplistic yet elegant fashion traits, all the while keeping with modern trends. 

Keep it simple while still raising the bar with your sense of fashion.

Here is pictorial demonstration on how to wash faux fur using machine and handwash.

Classy and chic

Classy, chic, elegant, and luxurious are just a few words that explain how you will look and feel through the correct styling. 

Whether you are going out to the mall or hitting the high street, you want to look your best doing it. 

A long faux fur garment will surely turn a few heads and attract the attention you deserve!

Combine your faux fur vest with a short dinner dress, leather pants, or whatever else you feel like for a touch of class look spice.

How to Take Care of a Faux Fur Vest

After your first day out with your faux fur vest, you might be worried about how you are going to keep your new fashion statement in tip-top condition. 

There is no need to worry as you can simply wash your My Fur Vest in your washing machine. 

As long as that machine has a gentle and soft wash setting you are good to go. 

Wash it separately on a soft setting with gentle detergents and you will have a lasting love affair with your new favorite fashion accessory.

Keep it Chic

You can pair your long faux fur vest in so many different ways – your imagination is the limit. 

Pair your new furry vest with blue jeans and ankle boots for a more casual outfit, or go all out with your favorite mini dress and heels.

No matter the occasion, your faux fur vest will be there to help you steal the show and have the confidence to walk the walk and show off your fashion sense. 

Try My Fur Vest for a variety of stylings and colorations that will make you want to fill your closet.

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Short Faux Fur Vest“ROSA”


Short Faux Fur Vest “ROSA”

One of the most popular trends in women’s fashion right now is the use of short faux fur vests. They’re not only stylish and comfortable, but they can also add a touch of luxury to any outfit. Although all our fur vests are artificial, they are of the highest quality; they look and feel like real fur.
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