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How to wear a faux fur vest in winter and look sexy?

faux fur vest

Winter is the season to be jolly – cold, but jolly. 

It is difficult to be sexy when you’re shivering, but we have you covered. 

Your favorite oversized hoody might be doing the job at home in front of the fire, but it simply won’t do for a night out. 

Wearing a long faux fur vest will help you look good, feel good, and stay warm during the coldest winter days.

No matter your weight and your size, there is sure to be a faux fur vest that adapts to your body and to your liking. 

There are many designers who work every day making beautiful pieces to please different tastes and preferences.

The Increased Popularity of Faux Fur OUTFITS

If you want to stay warm but stylish a faux fur jacket is a must for any winter wardrobe. 

Faux fur coats are trending all over the internet – in fashion shows, operas, theatres, and shopping malls, you name it, and it’s there. 


It is one of the longest-standing fashion trends for women and its popularity is yet again on the rise.

On a more important side note, remember that the manufacturing process is animal friendly. 

Instead, of using real fur, faux fur is created to imitate the same texture, feel, and look without supporting animal cruelty. 

By investing in a faux fur jacket, you are not only helping to keep animals safe, but you’ll be looking and feeling gorgeous while doing it.

Now, with warmth in your heart and a fluffy, warm faux fur collar to sink into, let’s see how you can wear it to look even hotter.

Wear A Faux Fur Vest TO LOOK SEXY

To be honest, it’s difficult not to look sexy in your faux fur coat

As we well know, “sexiness” comes from within and gets built up with confidence. 

And what makes us feel more confident than a brand-new outfit?

With a faux fur jacket, you can spice up all your usual outfits and styles and look sexier than ever before.

Take the time to create new outfits and spice up existing outfits that you wear from time to time with your new favorite faux item. 

You will be surprised by your newfound confidence!

During the winter season, we all seek that bit of extra warmth, but we want to feel and look good while doing it.

If you are scared of losing your style in the winter months due to excessive layering to protect you against the cold then a jacket with a faux fur trim can be a major benefit to you.

Overall it’s not about how much you are wearing but rather how you are styling your outfits. 

If you are used to wearing neutral and achromatic colors such as gray, winter white, and black, then try to incorporate bolder shades such as red lipstick and a vibrant scarf with your outfit.

Although you can wear almost any shoes with your faux fur vest we need to think about the cold. 

Add some knee-high boots paired with a sweater dress or leather leggings for that instant “wow” factor.

How Does Faux Fur Keep You Warm?

Synthetic fur is mainly made from acrylics, modacrylics, polymers, and other fibers that are blended to produce the correct feel and look of real fur. 

This makes fake fur the perfect winter outfit option if you want to feel cozy and confident.

It is also one of the most versatile garments in fashion trends today. 

Wear it with your outfits that highlighted your own unique style, and you’re ready to go out into any weather looking and feeling great.

Faux fur vests are also perfect for layering. 

Whether you want to wear it over a sweater, polo neck shirt, knitwear, or blue jeans, you are all good to go!

Confident, Sexy, and Warm

You need to ask yourself this question; what would you wear instead of a faux fur vest in the winter?

The answer is probably a heavy, outdated, and extremely un-sexy coat or stretchy sweater that has seen better days.

Faux fur items are lighter so you won’t feel weighed down. With My Fur Vests, you don’t even have to worry about daily wear. 

Our vests can easily be washed and dried without all the added difficulties that come with real fur vests.

Winter has arrived

For the arrival of the winter season, it´s important to prepare in advance and if there is something fundamental for women, it´s to equip your closet with the appropriate clothing

That is why a faux fur vest in winter is vital to equip your wardrobe and cannot be missing in any way.

The safest thing is that you need more than one to be able to assemble different combinations, fortunately, you can do it easily thanks to the variety of options and prices that are in the market.

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Sexy and Stylish

Short Faux Fur Vest“ROSA”


Short Faux Fur Vest “ROSA”

One of the most popular trends in women’s fashion right now is the use of short faux fur vests. They’re not only stylish and comfortable, but they can also add a touch of luxury to any outfit. Although all our fur vests are artificial, they are of the highest quality; they look and feel like real fur.
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Medium Faux Fur Vest “LAILA”


Medium Faux Fur Vest “LAILA”

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